Jennifer Milan, SOS testo e video ufficiale

 Vi ricordate di Jennifer Milan, concorrente dell’ottava edizione di Amici? Negli ultimi due anni, la cantante ha subito una radicale trasformazione d’immagine, merito (forse) di un certosino lavoro della sua casa discografica. Da timida studentessa di Beside me a bomba sexy nell’ultimo videoclip. Jennifer è pronta a lanciarsi nel mercato internazionale.

Il pezzo che porta per titolo SOS, ha tutte le caratteristiche per scalare le classifiche mondiali. E’ orecchiabile, ballabile e di facile impatto…e poi che voce! Dopo il salto, trovate il testo ed la clip musicale della canzone.

There’s nothing strange about it
sometimes I feel alone
that’s when I need your body
with me on the dancefloor
nobody else can see me
often to my pleasures home
Nobody nobody nobody no no
I’m not ashamed about it
I got to let it go
It’s so hypnotic
move the way…
You got me so…
Nodoby else can help me..
nobody oh no..
nobody nobody nobody no no
Oh when watch you got me
do it.. I’m about to lose it
drive me crazy
let me see your body keep movin’
you can me soon
everything you doin’
This is no illusion
You saved my life
Oh sos and don’t you ever let go
Oh sos you know I need you so
Just meet me on the floor
cause when I feel alone
I need to look in your eyes
look in your eyes, look in your eyes
I’m about to lose control
the way you move your body
keeps me coming back for more
Nobody else can do it
what do you do on the dancefloor
Nobody Nobody Nobody no no
Oh when watch you got me
do it.. I’m about to lose it
drive me crazy
let me see your body keep movin’
you can me soon
everything you doin’
This is no illusion
You saved my life
Oh sos and don’t you ever let go
Oh sos you know I need you so
Just meet me on the floor
cause when I feel alone
I need to look in your eyes
look in your eyes, look in your eyes
what you doin?
let me feelin’
Drive me crazy
let me see your body go..
what you doin?
let me feelin’
Drive me crazy
let me see your body go..
Oh sos and don’t you ever let go
Oh sos you know I need you so
Just meet me on the floor
cause when I feel alone
I need to look in your eyes
look in your eyes,
look in your eyes.

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